Some Statistics

At The Open Door Montréal, our door is truly open to all, without exception. Participants and community members are welcomed regardless of sex, gender, age (as long as they are not a minor), origin, cultural background, religion, and physical or mental health status. Intoxicated participants and community members are also welcomed, as long as the safety of other members of the community is not at risk. When safety is a concern, the appropriate partners are called to assist in providing the person with the care they need.

Pets are also welcomed, when accompanied by their owners, in order to provide them food and a warm and safe environment.

Our workers adapt to various situations and to each participant and community member accessing services. Direct interventions can range from crisis management, to assistance in finding housing or employment, to emergency first aid.

The following statistics were compiled by our workers for services in 2021:

59 741
visits to the Centre
an increase of 162% from the year before
new visitors
and 218 animals
direct interventions
67 493
meals served
an increase of 52% from the previous year
showers provided
loads of washing for participants and community members
people assisted
in returning to their community up North
people accompanied
to detox or addiction rehabilitation centres
36 205
items of clothing donated
people housed
in the short-term supportive housing program